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Hana Store

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Hana Store is a simple, lightweight and easy to use state management library for React. It focuses on maintaining a great developer experience and ease of use. It requires no boilerplate, no configuration, and no extra dependencies to get started. It is inspired by React's state management hooks, VueX and ReactN.

Although Hana Store is built as a Hana component, it can be used in any React application and even in React Native applications.

Why Hana Store?

Hana Store is built with the following principles in mind:

  • Ease of use: Hana Store is designed to be easy to use and easy to learn. It requires no boilerplate, no configuration, and no extra dependencies to get started.
  • Developer experience: Hana Store is designed to provide a great developer experience. It is built with TypeScript and provides full support for TypeScript users.
  • Performance: Hana Store is designed to be fast and lightweight. It is built with performance in mind and is optimized for performance.


You can install Hana Store using your favorite package manager:

npm install @hanabira/store
yarn add @hanabira/store


At the centre of every Hana application is the Store. The Store is a global object that contains all the data that your application needs. It is accessible from any component in your application. You can imagine a Store as a container that holds all your application's state, functions that update the state and any other data that you need for your app.

Unlike other state management libraries, you don't explicitly need to set up your store and export it to use it. Hana will automatically use the Store created by createStore() if it is available. This means that you can start using the Store right away without any setup. If you need to set up a default state or reducers, you can check out createStore() in the Optional Config section.


Hana Store requires no boilerplate, no configuration, and no extra dependencies to get started. After installing it, you can start using it right away.

import { useStore } from '@hanabira/store';


const [item, setItem] = useStore('item');

return (
    <p>Value: {item}</p>
    <button onClick={() => setItem('New value')}>Set Item</button>

Although Hana Store requires no setup, it allows you to customize it to your needs. You can find a list of all the options below.

Optional Config

Hana provides a createStore() function that allows you to configure the Store. It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • state: An object containing the initial state of the Store.
  • reducers: An object containing the reducers of the Store.
  • compareState: A boolean indicating whether to compare the state before updating it. Defaults to true.
  • plugins: An array of plugins to use with the Store.
import { createStore } from '@hanabira/store';

const store = createStore({
  state: {
    item: 'Initial value',
  reducers: {
    setItem: (state, payload) => ({ ...state, item: payload }),
  compareState: false,
  plugins: [],


You should only use createStore() once in your application. It is recommended to create the Store in a root component so that it is available to all components. Hana will automatically use the Store created by createStore() if it is available. Multiple stores are not yet supported.

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