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Error Handling

Hana router provides default error pages for 404 and 500 errors, however, those pages are not very useful in production. In this guide, we will learn how to handle errors in Hana.

404 Errors

404 errors occur when a user tries to navigate to a page that does not exist. You can customize the 404 page by creating a _404.tsx file in the pages directory. The _404.tsx file should export a React component that will be rendered when a 404 error occurs.

// Path: /pages/_404.tsx

import React from 'react';

const NotFound: React.FC = () => {
  return <div>404 - Not Found</div>;

export default NotFound;

Hana will automatically detect the _404.tsx file and use it as the 404 page.

500 Errors

500 errors occur when an error occurs while rendering a page. You can customize the 500 page by creating a _error.tsx file in the pages directory. The _500.tsx file should export a React component that will be rendered when a 500 error occurs.

import { useRouteError } from "@hanabira/router";

export default function ErrorPage() {
  const error: any = useRouteError();
  console.log(error, 'error');

  return <div>Error</div>;

Note that unlike the _404.tsx file, you can have multiple _error.tsx files. For example, you can have a _error.tsx file in the pages/users directory that will be used for all errors that occur on routes in the /users directory.

|- pages
  |- index.tsx
  |- _error.tsx
  |- users
    |- _error.tsx

Considering the directory structure above, the _error.tsx file in the pages/users directory will be used for all errors that occur on routes in the /users directory. The _error.tsx file in the pages directory will be used for all other errors.

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