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Hana Router

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One of Hana's most powerful features is its file based routing. This means that you can create a route by simply creating a file in the pages directory. This is a feature that is heavily inspired by Next.js.

Under the hood, Hana router compiles all the files in the pages directory into a single route file and serves it using react router. This makes it easy to create routes without having to worry about setting up a router.


It is recommended to use the create-hana-app CLI to create a new Hana app. This will automatically set up the router for you. However, if you have an existing app, you can check out the manual installation guide.

Creating a Route

To create a route, simply create a jsx or tsx file in the pages directory. For example, if you create a file called home.tsx in the pages directory, it will create a route for /home. Note that every Hana route should contain a default export which is a React component.

// Path: /pages/home.tsx
export default function Home() {
  return <div>Hello World</div>

Ignored Files

We mentioned that every JavaScript or TypeScript file in the pages directory is compiled into a route. However, there are some files that are ignored by the router. These files are:

  • Files that start with an underscore (_)
  • Files that end with .d.ts

Files that start with an underscore are seen as setup files by the router. An example of a setup file is _app.tsx. This file is used to set up any global styles or components that should be available to all routes. You can learn more about setup files here.

Files that end with .d.ts are declaration files. These files are used to declare types and interfaces. They are ignored by the router because they are not valid React components.

Index Routes

Hana automatically maps index files (index.jsx/index.tsx) to the directory name. For example, if you create a file called index.tsx in the pages/home directory, it will create a route for /home. An index.jsx file in the pages directory will create a route for /.

  • pages/index.tsx -> /
  • pages/home/index.jsx -> /home

Nested Routes

To create a nested route, you can nest folders and files inside other folders. For example, you can add a new /dashboard/settings route by nesting a settings.tsx file inside a dashboard folder or by an index.tsx file inside a settings folder inside a dashboard folder.

  • pages/dashboard/settings.tsx -> /dashboard/settings
  • pages/dashboard/settings/index.tsx -> /dashboard/settings

Setup Files

Setup files are files that start with an underscore (_). These files are used to set up different functionality for your app. For example, you can use a setup file to set up global styles or components that should be available to all routes.


The _app.tsx file is used to set up global styles or components that should be available to all routes. It is also used to wrap all routes in a layout component. This file is heavily inspired by Next.js' _app.tsx file. The example below sets up Hana Store.

// Path: /pages/_app.tsx

import React from 'react';
import { PersistedState, createStore } from '@hanabira/store';

import './index.css';

  state: {
    count: 0,
  reducers: {
    increment(state) {
      return {
        count: state.count + 1,
  plugins: [PersistedState],

const Application: React.FC<React.PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {
  return <>{children}</>;

export default Application;


Hana allows you to set up error handlers for both 500 and 404 errors. You can check out the error handling section to learn more.


Hana allows you to set up a loading component that is shown when a route is loading. You can check out the loading component section to learn more.

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